Next Club Meeting - April 10th at 7:00 P.M.

Check Out Upcoming Events!

REMEMBER - You must be a PAID MEMBER to compete.  Pay online or at the meeting.

Starting in MARCH

Enjoy the club's new
Photoshop Two Minute Tricks
segment where one of the club's members will demonstrate a useful but maybe not so obvious Photoshop editing tool.

The MONTHLY CHALLENGE has ended ...  and we would like to thank everyone who participated. We had a lot of fun and experienced how different members work their magic.

Focus Photo Club has a long history as a premier photography club for amateur and professional photographers alike as well as people just interested in photography.

​We are located in Dayton, Ohio and our members are friendly, social, and are among the best in the area.

 We meet monthly for an educational program and a photo competition that includes both digital and print entries. 

Would you like to know more about us?

End of Year
Banquet Video --->

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NOTE:  Dues for the second half of the year ending June 2025 are now half-price, $15 for a single and $12 for a family member.

We meet on the second THURSDAY of every month 7:00pm - 9:00pm

​All are welcome!

Our next club meeting will be
Thursday, April 10th, 2025
6:45  Sign In and Socialize 

7:00pm Meeting Begins

You must be a paid-up member and present to compete.

We meet at:

Central Christian Church

1200 Forrer Blvd.

Dayton, OH 45420

Click here for Directions and Map:

The church is also served by 3 bus lines, 12, 16 and 23

Click here to log in to our FACEBOOK page.

To create an account click "Join Group" to view and post to the group page.

It's a great place to post your photos for all to see and also to receive some positive constructive feedback if you wish.


It is one of the most active photography club pages on Facebook

Click here to follow us on Instagram !

Membership Form