Upcoming Events
Do you have an idea for an educational program or a club photo outing?
If so, send your idea to PROGRAMS@FocusPhotoClub.com
February Theme: Photograph a Person without Faces. There are a lot of ways to look at this topic. We expect that this theme will be creative and produce some astounding images.
Join us for our next photography outing at the Heart of Ohio Antique Center in Springfield OH on Saturday, January 18th at 10:00 AM. The address is 4785 East National Road, Springfield OH.
This facility has over 800 booths with items from A to Z and from all different time periods. Lots of photo ops and it's fun to just wander around!! They do have a very nice cafe there also, great food. Alternate date (if weather on Saturday isn't ideal or if it works out better for you) is Tuesday, January 21 at 10:00 AM. Hope to see you there on one of these dates!
Events are also listed on the Focus Facebook page.
February: Brian Swartz - Portrait Photography
March: Ryan Traxler - Drone Photography
April: Denice Martz - Composition
May: TBD